Posted Wed Aug 26, 2015 at 09:03 AM PDT by Brian Hoss
Techland promising three hours of content.
'Dying Light' is one of 2015's biggest hits, and thanks to Techland's continued support (both free & paid), it's got legs. (Check out the review here.) For anyone who hasn't yet checked out this parkour-zombie, day/night, openworld, savage playground, Techland has just released a free demo.
The demo version promises three hours of unique content, which includes a story quest chain, multiple side quests, challenges, and random encounters. It also offers online so-op up to four players, in which players can experience the natural movement, day/night sequel, crafting system, and of course the zombie menace.
From producer Tymon SmektaĆa, "With the demand for Dying Light still high after more than half a year on the market, we wondered what else we could do to help players decide which game to buy. Then we thought: demoes were pretty much a standard in the previous generation, but suddenly they’ve become few and far between. So we decided to use some of our resources to release a demo now and let everyone experience our game first-hand."
The PC demo can be downloaded here. Xbox One and PS4 demos will also be available today. 'Dying Light' is going to receive an impressive-looking expansion called 'The Following' later this year. (More info the expansion here.)
Source: Warner Bros.
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